2025 VITA appointments will open on JANUARY 15. Please call 772-283-4800 X2210 to schedule an appointment.
What is VITA?
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program provides free income tax return preparation to hard-working taxpayers earning up to $67,000 annually per household. VITA helps working families take advantage of all of the tax credits they are eligible for including the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit (CTC), and education credits. IRS Certified volunteers from the community help prepare basic, current-year tax returns for eligible taxpayers free of charge.
Who can benefit from VITA?
Martin County individuals and families who earn up to $67,000 annually are eligible to receive free tax preparation services.
When can I visit a VITA site?
Please call the United Way office at 772-283-4800 starting January 15 to schedule your appointment. All appointments will take place Monday - Wednesday evenings by appointment ONLY at the United Way office at 10 SE Central Parkway, Suite 101 in Stuart.
Please make sure that you gather all of the necessary information (listed below) to avoid any delays.
What information will I need to provide?
The following items are needed to prepare your tax return:
- Proof of identification (photo ID or driver’s license)
- Social Security cards for individuals included on the return
- Form W-2, 1099-R,1099-Misc and all forms received
- Forms 1099 - Interest and dividend statements from banks
- Forms 1095-A, Affordable Health Care Statement
- Form 1098T if claiming tuition paid plus tuition payment information from the college or university
- A copy of last year’s federal return
- Self-employed? List of expenses cannot exceed $10,000.00
- Negative income loss? We cannot do your return
- Bank information for direct deposit or payment
- Joint returns require both taxpayers' signatures
- Child care costs - bring form with EIN/SSN, name, address and cost paid
Who to contact for additional information?
Call 772-283-4800 for more information or to register.
Besides our VITA program, if you prefer filing online, we’ve got that covered too. Visit MyFreeTaxes.com to file for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No matter your income, MyFreeTaxes can help you take advantage of all the tax credits and deductions you qualify for!
In addition to the convenience of filing at a time that works for you, MyFreeTaxes utilizes secured software, so you have the peace of mind that your information is safe. MyFreeTaxes also offers help with filing questions through phone, chat or email.
For more information, contact Kathleen Stacey at kstacey@unitedwaymartin.org or 772-283-4800.